TreeSet实际上就是用二叉树实现的; 代码如下:
public class MyTreeSet> { private BinaryNode root; //root int modCount = 0 ;//modifiy time public MyTreeSet(){ root = null; } private class BinaryNode { T data; BinaryNode left; BinaryNode right; BinaryNode parent; public BinaryNode(T data) { = data; } public BinaryNode(T data, BinaryNode left, BinaryNode right, BinaryNode parent) { = data; this.left = left; this.right = right; this.parent = parent; } } public Iterator iterator(){ return new MyTreeSetIterator(); } private class MyTreeSetIterator implements Iterator { private BinaryNode current = findMin(root); private BinaryNode previous; private int expectedModCount = modCount; private boolean okToRemove = false; private boolean atEnd = false; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return !atEnd; } @Override public T next() { if (modCount != expectedModCount){ throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } if(!hasNext()){ throw new NoSuchElementException(); } T nextItem =; previous = current; //按照顺序排列的话,是从小到大排序,所以下一个数据肯定要比当前的大,所以在右边 // if there is a right child , next node is min in right subtree if (current.right != null){ current = findMin(current.right); }else { // 否则就找父亲,并且该节点是父亲的左孩子,那么下一个数据就是他的父亲,因为他的父亲比他大 BinaryNode child = current; current = current.parent; //if current do have parent while(current != null && current.left != child){ //这句话的作用是当到达最右边时,向上遍历,一直到达根,一直到current = null时退出 child = current; current = current.parent; } if (current == null){ //已经到了最右边, atEnd = true ; } } okToRemove = true; return nextItem; } @Override public void remove() { if (modCount != expectedModCount){ throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } if (!okToRemove){ throw new IllegalStateException(); } MyTreeSet.this.remove(; okToRemove= false; // only one element will be deleted every next } } public void makeEmpty(){ modCount ++; root = null; } public boolean isEmpty(){ return root == null; } public boolean contains(T x){ return contains(x,root); } public T findMin() throws BufferUnderflowException{ if (isEmpty()){ throw new BufferUnderflowException(); } else return findMin(root).data; } public T findMax() throws BufferUnderflowException{ if (isEmpty()){ throw new BufferUnderflowException(); } else return findMax(root).data; } public void insert(T x){ root = insert(x,root,null); } public void remove(T x){ root = remove(x,root); } public void printTree(){ if (isEmpty()){ System.out.println("Empty Tree"); }else { printTree(root); } } private void printTree(BinaryNode t){ if (t != null){ printTree(t.left); System.out.println(; printTree(t.right); } } private boolean contains(T x,BinaryNode t){ if (t == null) return false; int compareResult = x.compareTo(; if (compareResult < 0){ return contains(x,t.left); }else if (compareResult > 0){ return contains(x,t.right); }else return true; } private BinaryNode findMin(BinaryNode t){ if (t == null){ return null; } else if (t.left == null){ return t; } return findMin(t.left); } private BinaryNode findMax(BinaryNode t){ if (t == null) return null; else if (t.right == null) return t; else return findMin(t.right); } private BinaryNode insert(T x, BinaryNode t, BinaryNode pt){ if (t == null){ modCount ++ ; return new BinaryNode (x,null,null,pt); } int comapreResult = x.compareTo(; if (comapreResult < 0 ){ t.left = insert(x,t.left,t); }else if (comapreResult > 0){ t.right = insert(x,t.right,t); }else ; //duplicate return t; } private BinaryNode remove(T x,BinaryNode t){ if (t == null){ return t; } int compareResult = x.compareTo(; if (compareResult < 0){ t.left = remove(x,t.left); }else if(compareResult > 0){ t.right = remove(x,t.right); }else if (t.left != null && t.right != null){ // it has two children = findMin(t.right).data; // give the smallest data in right to this node t.right = remove(,t.right) ; //remove the smallest in right tree }else if (t.left == null && t.right == null){ // remove the parent's relation with this node modCount ++ ; BinaryNode pt = t.parent; if (pt == null){ // if this tree only has one node return null; } int result =; if (result < 0 ){ pt.left = null; }else { pt.right = null; } }else { // has only left or right child modCount ++; BinaryNode oneChild; oneChild = t.left != null ? t.left : t.right; oneChild.parent = t.parent; t = oneChild; } return t; }}复制代码
public class MyTreeSetTest { public static void main(String[] args) { MyTreeSettest1 = new MyTreeSet<>(); test1.insert(3); test1.insert(4); test1.insert(5); test1.insert(6); test1.insert(7); test1.insert(8); test1.insert(9); java.util.Iterator it=test1.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } }}复制代码